The Four Foundations of Great Teaching (2 days & 2 instructors required)
Classroom Observations & Customized Faculty Training (2 days; 1 or 2 instructors)
Leading Effective Harkness/Seminar Discussions (1 to 2 days; 1 instructor)
Implementing Teaching Labs (1 day; 1 or 2 instructors)
The Seven Laws of Teaching (1 day; 1 or 2 instructors)
Lower School-Focused Sessions (1 day; 1 instructor)
(see options below under ‘Recommended Combinations’)
Scenarios & Critical Incident Discussions (1 day; 1 instructor)
Two Day Training: The Four Foundations of Great Teaching with:
Upper School: Leading Effective Harkness/Seminar Discussions
Lower School: four of the following five sessions:
Habits of the Classroom
Classical Methods
Integration: Making it all Fit
Rhetoric in the Grammar School
The Progymnasmata in Practice
Two Day Training: The Seven Laws of Teaching & Implementing Teaching Labs
Contact us to discuss remote options for teacher training or administrator consultations.